Learning to cook like an Asian

I may have been born with all the qualifications to be Asian (black hair, a Filipino mom, tan skin), but that doesn’t necessarily mean I can recreate Asian culture. It takes some teaching from your petite Filipino grandmother one Saturday morning to help one cook like an Asian.


Chicken Fried Rice: An Asian Essential


Cooking fried rice in her jammies (I had to sneak this picture of the cooking master) 🙂

 Traditional Chicken Fried Rice

Ingredients: (I have no exact measurements because my grandma doesn’t believe in them).

Chicken Breasts

Long grain rice

2 eggs

1/2 stick of butter (depending on how much rice, this amount would be for a skillet full of rice

veggies (carrots, peas, green onion)

soy sauce

garlic salt

Directions: 1. Chop up all of your veggies into small pieces except for the peas. Boil the chicken breasts with no salt. You don’t want anything to be too salty because the soy sauce will add plenty of flavor by itself. 2. Add butter to a warm skillet. Add all the veggies to the pan, then add the two eggs. Mix veggies and eggs together let them cook. 3. Put in the chickety chinese chicken into the pan and mix. 4. Lastly add the rice, soy sauce, and garlic salt. A helpful tip with the soy sauce is to make sure the rice isn’t completely covered but at least 3/4 in the pan is brown. Add the garlic salt to taste and mix the rice. Cook until the rice is fried enough for you and serve in a dish. Now, my friend you are an honorary Asian.